Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Entry # 3

 I disagree what Carlson did. just because Candy dog  was old and just because  it stinked Carlson  shot  the  dog. When Carlson left outside with Candy dog to go shoot it.  Candy went to his bed. He was really sad when he heard the shot when Carlson shot the dog. Carlson wouldn't like it if he had a dog he wouldn't like it if Candy shot his dog. Candy was really sad. Candy been having this dog for a long time. And anyways your not suppose to kill animals. you can go to jail by killing an animal.

Blog Entry Mandatory

In the book of Mice of Men George killing Lennie was good and bad. It was bad because Lennie didn't mean to do all those  things he did. Like  when he killed Curley wife, touch the girls dress. Also Lennie was the type of person that you needed to watch him.  It was good now because George can do what ever he wants now he can work and do some other things he wanted to do he can even find a place for himself. He doesn't have to worry about Lennie cause he is dead.  George can go find a place with candy. only them to. so this is why it is good.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Entry #5

What do i like about the movie is when lennie broke  the neck to curley wife. That is what she deserves by making lennie get in to many trouble. For example, when lennie fought with  Curley cause of her. This is what i like about the movie. What do i dislike about the movie  is in the end when george shoots lennie. that is what do i dislike about the movie.  It was really sad. Lennie was a good man. he never hurt anyone accept curley  because curley kept  bothering him a lot. what do i dislike about the book is when george insults at lennie just because they got in trouble in weed because lennie touched the gurl dress. and what do i like about the book is when lennie was with the puppy. it was so adorable. so this is what i like about the book and how i dislike about the book.